
girl scout cookie

I discovered a baggie of lemon cookies that Severo hadn't found...
my intention was to not eat the entire box, but, um, I did

"Lemon Chalet Cremes™: Featuring a design of Our Chalet in Switzerland, a beloved Girl Scout World Center, this sandwich cookie has a touch of cinnamon-ginger spice that evokes the warmth of a fireside chat on a snowy evening. They are made by Little Brownie Bakers." from: www.girlscoutcookies.org/meet_the_cookies.asp


Katherine Kean said...

Well at least Severo gets to look at the lovely cookie drawing, right?

Seriously, this post is making me hungry.

Deb Salter said...

You make cookies look like a heap of fun to draw!

Dana S. Whitney said...

That SO happens with GS cookies. I like the drawing ad your caption.

Anne M Bray said...

Katherine, no Severo will NOT see the drawing -- he will then remember that he had NONE of the cookies! Maybe I'll bring it out next year at cookie sale time, so he'll buy another box (or two).