I was lolling on the back porch, basking the sun and of course there was some clutter. I thought: why not draw it? With two pack-rats our house is a temple of clutter. The artist clutter, the musician clutter and the slob clutter. It morphs, getting restacked, moving from room to room... our clutter is an unruly 3rd member of the household.
Here is my start of my examination of our clutter. Maybe I'll even throw something away...
Great sketch Anne
Clutter never looked so good. Great job getting everything on top of and in front of everything else!
Nice lines...complicated angles...super! :)
Such clarity within the clutter. Well done!
Impressive job with such a complex subject. Way to go!
Wow! It never occurred to me to draw clutter! I'll never lack for a subject to draw again. Half the fun of this group is seeing what other folks choose to draw.
Nicely done.
Nice line work. You made clutter look good:)
Beautiful, clutter is great for drawing! I like that you left it as a line drawing, very clean and clear.
lovely lovely lovely!
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